How to Add a Alias to a Mailbox

Step 1

Go to 


Step 2

Enter your Global Administrator Email Address and click Next

Important Note: If you are asked to either sign in with Work or School Account or Microsoft Account, Please select Work or School Account


Step 3

Enter your Password and click Sign in


Step 4

If prompted enter your MFA code or approve the notification sent to the Microsoft Authenticator


Step 5

Click Yes to stay signed in


Step 6

Click Users, then Active users


Step 7

Select the user you want to add the alias to


Step 8

Under Aliases, click Manage username and email


Step 9

Enter the new alias in the username box, select the domains if required and click Add


Step 10

Click Save changes and allow 15 minutes for the changes to take effect

Important Note: If you are paying for the FutureSpam service, please contact our support team so they can add this alias to allow email to start working

  • alias, add an alias, office 365 alias
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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